Oil Painting. May take months or years. The oil dries very slowly. There is no hurry. A large oil painting and can edit. By overwriting the original.
Oil color for painting will be packed in a tube which is less expensive, depending on the quality of the work is mixed with linseed oil. This will make it much tougher. If you use oil paint to dry quickly and the. Brush with oil paint brushes with flat wool solid color oil color painting artist most commonly used. Since the end of the Renaissance era.
Oil (Oil Color) made from a mixture of powder and oil. Vegetable oils such as linseed oil (Linseed) oil, which comes from the flax. Poppy seed oil. Oil paint is opaque. What is usually white. The light weight of the mix. The oil painting. Often written onto the canvas (Canvas) is extremely durable and waterproof. Oil painting artist known for several hundred years.
Oil painting classes are divided into three levels
Oil first.
Learn to use basic painting techniques, oil painting by the color. Technical drawing and color. Leave the painting with a brush. Through Model flowers fruit.
Oil Two.
The oil painting to the realism. Similar nature. Oil Painting. With more detailed objects such as flowers, landscapes.
Oil Three.
Advanced Oil Painting. Students can improve their writing technique is unique. Simulation artists. Scenery painting. See more architectural photography. This innovative design elements, etc.