วันเสาร์ที่ 26 มกราคม พ.ศ. 2556

Butterfly Pea painting

Butterfly Pea are thousands of things that are close. To rise to a higher exposure to sunlight. Colorful maps.

The use of color is Cadmium Yellow Lemon, Viridian, Hookers blue and white Ultramarine Blue Deep.

The colors used are the colors

One color - Cadmium Yellow Lemon    60%     
                 Viridian                            40%

Two color - Hookers blue                    40%
                  Ultramarine Blue Deep       60%

Three color - The first                         40%
               The second                 60%

Four color - The first 20%.
                        The second 80%.

How to draw a flower

One . two color mix with water to pale blue. We call this color as a 2.1.

Two . water over the area you want to be the center of the petals. Petal shape with a color 2.1 color paint water around them. The boundaries of the area to paint with water colors, water will gradually seep away.

Three . color 2, while the color is still damp. To unified leave to dry.

Four.  Use a small brush to touch four matches, one second at a time and then a damp cloth to absorb. A damp brush. Smudged the paint to blend in with the background Fully drawn petal pattern left to dry.

Five . on a dry fill up the shadows again. By applying water on the petals all over. According to Article 4 of the way up the area to a darker color and add one to the base of the petals.

How to draw the leaves. The same flower

One. Paint leaves a half to 2.1.

Two. Painted on one of the requirements to be a part of the light.

Three. Painted by three in the need to be part of the shadow.

Four. Leave to dry then paint fill half full of leaves.

Five. Them dry again. Then I colored the leaves with 3 and 4 the same way as I finish up the flower petals.

