Art is a process that occurs in the United States and Britain have fun with the foundation societies is consumerism. The group is believed to have created art for art's sudden sudden excitement to see.
Content of the art of pop art. It is a story about ordinary people. Especially stories about people and society today are not interested or criticized at the time. This may be a result of the change in direction towards the art from the art (Realism).
To reflect the current story. The feeling of being truly present. Artists pop art collage using real materials and techniques in the Previous artists have performed the experiments.
This is a technique that is widely used at that time. The application was put forward based on the interests of each artist, as do some advertising. Some interesting film. Some machines do. Some people care about clothes. It's usually the stuff. The people that do such a simple layout.
Pop art is an art model. To reflect the actual status of the society. According to the general understanding of the common man for a while for a time as a popular actor with innovative products, the value of art, graffiti, etc. This group of social unrest and lows. Flared up like a rocket. Popular at the time, not long enough, the next day it may be forgotten.